If for any reason you are not satisfied with your online purchase and wish to return it please return to the address below.

You have 14 days from the date you received it to return. However, during the Christmas period we may extend our returns policy.

For a full refund, please make sure you return the item unworn and in its original packaging with all the labels intact and accompanied by your original web order receipt.

We are not able to refund until the goods are received back and inspected.

We will issue a full refund to the card used or payment method when placing the order. Please allow up to 10 days for a full refund from the date we receive the goods back (although it is normally processed within 3).

If you wish to exchange your item for another size please call or email ahead so we can check if we have the item in stock.

For any queries regarding returns or exchanges please call to speak to a member of management (+370)86995761 or email us at [email protected]

Returns address is:


172 Burton Road,

